Data Bank

Access to the largest number of CVs professionals immediately.
Because el- has the largest database of CVs and resumes in Egypt and the Gulf area, your CV Search subscription will give you instant access to thousands of potential candidates for your vacancies.
Find CVs with pinpoint accuracy in no time.
With our Instant Match CV Search tool, we give you over 34 specific filtering criteria, such as industry, years of experience, job role, and more, to really seek out and identify that exact candidate you're looking for. You can find suitable candidates in just mere seconds!
Tag and label CVs so you can find them later.
How do you keep track of your shortlisted candidates, or candidates that need to be called for an interview? By using CV tagging, label CVs by priority level, hiring status, theme... or whatever logic you choose. What's more, all CV tags can be searched anytime using the Instant Match CV Search tool.
Save notes to CVs to log your impressions.
You've read a CV a few days ago, but what was your impression on the candidate? Jot down your notes on the CV to remind yourself.
Export CVs to PDF, Word, or Excel and save them on your Desktop.
Often, you will need to save CVs onto your Desktop or email them to your manager to review. CV Search's export feature allows you to export all your candidates' CVs in one go -- in three popular formats: PDF, Excel, or Word.
Create customized letters and dispatch them en masse.
Once you've identified your list of shortlisted candidates, we make it easy for you to contact them all at once. The customized letter feature enables you to write a quick letter, select all candidates, and send. No need to open each and every CV to find their email addresses